Temas y Debates Nº 15: Agosto 2008

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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Los Lentes de Víctor Hugo. Transformaciones políticas y desafíos teóricos en la Argentina reciente, de Eduardo Rinesi, Gabriel Nardacchione, Gabriel Vommaro (editores)
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Ganem, Dante Daniel
    A través de los nueve artículos que componen el libro, los autores realizan dos caminos paralelos de significativa importancia cada uno. En primer término, cada una de las intervenciones es un aporte al análisis político argentino, y dentro de ese contexto, el resultado es una mirada reflexiva sobre diversas dimensiones de la realidad política y social argentina de las últimas tres décadas. Pero fundamentalmente, y por otra parte, de manera singular los editores abren un debate en el interior de las Ciencias Sociales en general y de lo que constituye (o ha constituido) la politología argentina en particular.
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    Max Weber y Karl Marx, de Karl Lowith
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Solero, Carlos
    Esta nueva edición de Max Weber y Karl Marx de Karl Lowith, permite el acceso a una serie de estudios de singular importancia pues el autor nos propone un recorrido por la obra de dos pensadores cuya influencia en las teorías sociales llega hasta el presente.
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    Del otro lado del río. Ambientalismo y política entre uruguayos y argentinos, de Vicente Palermo y Carlos Reboratti (comp.)
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Bueno, María del Pilar
    El libro aborda uno de los temas más relevantes tanto de la agenda doméstica como externa de uruguayos y argentinos, como es la construcción de dos plantas de pasta celulósica a la vera del Río Uruguay, recurso compartido por ambos países. Denota un esfuerzo por unir investigadores argentinos, uruguayos y brasileños que muestran distintas caras del conflicto.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El estatuto jurídico del no nacional en España: últimas reformas en materia de extranjería. El reglamento de extranjería
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Ortega Jiménez, Alfonso
    The Council of Ministers on the proposal of Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, last December 30, 2004, gave the green light to royal decree approving the Regulation of the Act 4/2000 of January 11, rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration. The resulting text, consistent in its form and in substance with the regulatory framework of reference –the Organic Law 4/2000 and Community law– is, in the words of the executive branch, “the fruit of the effort to prioritize legal immigration and by pursuing more effectively illegal immigration across the fight against the black economy”. In the lines below are included we will try to give some notes about the Regulation of Foreigners; based on the concept of “foreigner” –because the first thing is to determine the scope of the subjective standard–, and its “real reason for be”: the situation of the phenomenon of immigration in Spain.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Democracia “desde abajo”: Elecciones y participación ciudadana en el imaginario político
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Fares, María Celina; López, Humberto Manuel
    The discussion about the democratic itinerary in Argentina is a central topic in political science. As a case in point, beginning with the 2001 political debacle, citizenry participation recovered its importance vis-à-vis the conversations being carried on with regards to democratic quality. Theoretical reconstructions on this topic, as well as historical ones, open up new alternatives and questions. Our goal has been to compare and contrast those constructions as samples of the political imaginary, reconstructed through an analysis of the electoral process. Using social psychology categories, we have reconstructed the principles of the citizens' electoral practices, the events on which those practices depend, tracing a line for interpreting the current condition of the citizenry. We have conclude that it is possible to observe a strengthening of the tendency to privilege civil society as a space for citizen participation, as well as the paradoxical continuation of the delegation of political responsibility in the governing class. The processes of atomization of old party and ideological identities have opened up the space for discussion and for personal options, expressed through possible civil actions, but they do not yet reflect the possibility of the citizens thinking of themselves as political subjects with communal projects.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Sexo, mentiras y dinero. Notas sobre El Mercader de Venecia de William Shakespeare
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Rinesi, Eduardo
    The Merchant of Venice was written by Shakespeare as a romantic commedy, but it is much easier for us to read it and understand it as a tragedy: as the tragedy of two lonely men in an unfair and cruel world. This is so because we can’t accept what is necessary to accept to make it work as a commedy, but also because –as it is always the case in Shakespeare– the text is full of tragic elements living together whith the comic ones. In this article it is suggested that the decission about how is it to be read this drama –or any other shakespearean drama– is less an aesthetic decission than a political one, and that political theory may be enriched by a reflection on this kind of problems.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    ¿Quién tiene la última palabra? Discurso institucional vs. redes sociales en la descentralización de la gestión del sistema de riego en la cuenca del Río Mendoza
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Bustos, Rosa María; Saldi, Leticia; de Rosas, Laura
    The watery resources management is run by the General Irrigation Department in Mendoza. Since 1994 this Department has driven a policy of democratic management for the distribution of the watering resources, through annual assemblies. Though these assemblies don’t congregate enough people, there are informal social networks that assures everybody the irrigation resources needed. However this distribution is not equitable. At least two types of social networks have been found: one of them has a higher level of influence for decision making. The other one is limited to solve watering problems at a very low level –which could jeopardise their access to the resourceand is compounded by less social, economic and cultural capital agents.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Papeleras uruguayas y ONGs. Un análisis de un conflicto ambiental visto desde la Advocacy Coalition Framework
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) García Pereda, Ignacio
    This article explains how the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) can be used as a theoretical basis for understanding political context via a stakeholder analysis. An ACF analysis widens the attention toward subsystem- wide dynamics with multiple actors who are motivated by their beliefs, structure their relationships into advocacy coalitions, and try to influence policy through utilizing multiple resources and venues. The article illustrates the ACF approach to stakeholder analysis in an international conflict, over the construction of two pulp paper miles in Uruguay.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La gramática de la acción colectiva ambiental en Argentina: reflexiones en torno al movimiento ciudadano ambiental de Gualeguaychú y su inscripción en el espacio público
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Merlinsky, María Gabriela
    Our aim is to explore the process of constitution of the collective actor around a nucleus performatively built from the environmental claim. We’ll try to interrogate the “common statement of intention” that generates a contentious process by which the parties involved build their demand around “diffuse interests” making an allusion to rights of the citizen matrix, such as the right to a healthy environment, to health, to be consulted about new facilities in the territory, the defence of biodiversity and the preservation of the ecosystem. To analyse the characteristics of the collective environmental action, we develop a two-way analysis: on the one hand we explore the process of constitution of the actor in the public space and the tensions derived from the efficiency of the illocutionary act; on the other hand, we do a framework analysis in order to deepen into the work of collective signification within the movement, particularly in relation with the way of interpreting the injustices. In a second line of research, we are interested in exploring the consequences that this movement has had in terms of the definition of a public arena in relation with the environment. We’ll try to examine the derivations of the case under analysis in its inscription in the public environmental agenda, focusing the analysis on the “Cause for the sanitation of the Matanza-Riachuelo basin”.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Las plantas de celulosa sobre el río Uruguay y el rol de los actores subnacionales gubernamentales en la proyección de la Política Exterior del lado argentino. Acciones, tensiones políticas y negociaciones diplomáticas, 2003-2007
    (Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2008-08) Colacrai, Miryam
    The article focus on the significant diplomatic friction between Argentina and Uruguay related to the future installation of two cellulose plants in the city of Fray Bentos (Uruguay), on the banks of the river shared with Argentina. In doing so, it remarks as key points of contention some sensitive problems dealing with natural resources, transboundary environmental impacts, health and safety issues, the desire for sustainable development as well as concerns about the techniques used in the pulp industry. It pays attention to the weaknesses of existing bilateral institutions –like CARU– in the effort to reach a consensus among the different parties involved. At the same time, the increasing role of sub-national entities in Foreign Policy and the lack of actions of “Presidential Diplomacy” are deeply analysed. Furthermore, it also suggests that the combination of local problems and broader international relationships can create significant problems for foreign policy managers, especially when the population demands human rights being respected, sustainable environmental conditions and the right of provinces as the owners of the existing resources in their territories are taken into account as codify by the National Constitution reforms of 1994. The article also underlines that this case is probably the first one but not the last. New situations would arrive to test the existing institutions and processes within the domain of Foreign Policy, as a consequence of the increasing role developed by subnational entities and governments.