CIUNR - Ciencias Naturales - Artículos de Revista
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Ítem Acceso Abierto A mammary adenocarcinoma murine model suitable for the study of cancer immunoediting(BioMed Central, 2014-05-30) Pagura, Lucas; Cáceres, Juan Manuel; Cardinale, Albertina; Scharovsky, O. Graciela; Di Masso, Ricardo José; Zacarías-Fluck, Mariano; Rico, María José; Rozados, Viviana R.Ítem Acceso Abierto A multicenter prospective study of 515 febrile neutropenia episodes in Argentina during a 5-year period(PLOS, 2019-10-31) Parodi, Roberto Leandro; Lagrutta, Mariana; Tortolo, Mauro; Navall, Estefanía; Rodríguez, María S.; Sasia, Gervasio Flavio; de Candia, Lucas F.; Gruvman, Matias A.; Bottasso, Oscar; Greca, Alcides AlejandroÍtem Acceso Abierto A Multifaceted Analysis of Immune-Endocrine-Metabolic Alterations in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis(PLOS, 2011-10-13) Santucci, Natalia; D'Attilio, Luciano; Kovalevski, Leandro; Bozza, Verónica; Besedovsky, Hugo; del Rey, Adriana; Bay, María Luisa; Bottasso, OscarOur study investigated the circulating levels of factors involved in immune-inflammatory-endocrine-metabolic responses in patients with tuberculosis with the aim of uncovering a relation between certain immune and hormonal patterns, their clinical status and in vitro immune response. The concentration of leptin, adiponectin, IL-6, IL-1β, ghrelin, C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and the in vitro immune response (lymphoproliferation and IFN-γ production) was evaluated in 53 patients with active untreated tuberculosis, 27 household contacts and 25 healthy controls, without significant age- or sex-related differences. Patients had a lower body mass index (BMI), reduced levels of leptin and DHEA, and increased concentrations of CRP, IL-6, cortisol, IL-1β and nearly significant adiponectin values than household contacts and controls. Within tuberculosis patients the BMI and leptin levels were positively correlated and decreased with increasing disease severity, whereas higher concentrations of IL-6, CRP, IL-1β, cortisol, and ghrelin were seen in cases with moderate to severe tuberculosis. Household contacts had lower DHEA and higher IL-6 levels than controls. Group classification by means of discriminant analysis and the k-nearest neighbor method showed that tuberculosis patients were clearly different from the other groups, having higher levels of CRP and lower DHEA concentration and BMI. Furthermore, plasma leptin levels were positively associated with the basal in vitro IFN-γ production and the ConA-driven proliferation of cells from tuberculosis patients. Present alterations in the communication between the neuro-endocrine and immune systems in tuberculosis may contribute to disease worsening.Ítem Acceso Abierto A Novel Synergistic Combination of Cyclophosphamide and Gene Transfer of Interleukin-12 Eradicates Colorectal Carcinoma in Mice(American Association for Cancer Research, 2009-11) Malvicini, Mariana; Rizzo, Miguel; Alaniz, Laura; Piñero, Federico; García, Mariana; Atorrasagasti, Catalina; Aquino, Jorge B.; Rozados, Viviana R.; Scharovsky, O. Graciela; Matar, Pablo; Mazzolini, GuillermoPURPOSE: Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is an immunostimulatory cytokine with potent antitumor effects in several animal models. However, serious toxicity has been associated with its systemic application in humans. Gene transfer has emerged as a tool to specifically express therapeutic genes into the tumor/peritumoral milieu, thus avoiding systemic toxicity. The aim of this study was to analyze whether subtherapeutic doses of an adenovirus encoding IL-12 (AdIL-12) might synergize with low immunopotentiating doses of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of colorectal carcinoma. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The antitumor effect of combining a single low dose of cyclophosphamide with an intratumoral injection of AdIL-12 was evaluated in an in vivo murine colorectal carcinoma model. The immune responses achieved with different treatments were monitored, comparing the effect of combining both therapies with individual treatments. RESULTS: The combined therapy induced a complete tumor regression in >50% of mice in a synergistic fashion, and it significantly prolonged their survival. This strategy was superior to each single treatment in reducing both peripheral and splenic CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, increasing the number of activated dendritic cells, and inducing IFN-gamma-secreting CD4-positive T lymphocytes. Importantly, the combined treatment generated a powerful tumor-specific CTL response. Consistently, a significant reduction in IL-10 levels was found. Our data suggest that the combination of nontoxic doses of cyclophosphamide with AdIL-12 allows the generation of good antitumoral responses, thus avoiding undesired side effects of both agents. CONCLUSIONS: Our data strongly support the use of a combination of cyclophosphamide and AdIL-12 as a novel therapeutic strategy against colorectal carcinoma.Ítem Acceso Abierto Achievements and challenges in the use of metronomics for the treatment of breast cancer(Elsevier, 2020-03) Scharovsky, O. Graciela; Rico, María José; Mainetti, Leandro Ernesto; Perroud, Herman A; Rozados, Viviana R.Ítem Acceso Abierto Acid-induced Aggregation and Gelation of Sodium Caseinate-Guar Gum Mixtures(Springer, 2014-12-13) Hidalgo, María Eugenia; Fontana, Manuel; Armendariz, Mirta; Riquelme, Bibiana Doris; Wagner, Jorge Ricardo; Risso, Patricia HildaÍtem Acceso Abierto Alterations of the erythrocyte membrane by in vitro action of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae(Cambridge University Press, 2018-11-29) Ponce de León, Patricia; Bellini, Mariana; Castellini, Horacio V.; Riquelme, Bibiana DorisÍtem Acceso Abierto An experimental approach to study the red blood cell dynamics in a capillary tube by biospeckle laser(Elsevier, 2019) Toderi, Martín A.; Riquelme, Bibiana Doris; Galizzi, Gustavo E.; D'Arrigo, Mabel. Colaboración en preparación de muestras biológicas; Alet, Analía I. Colaboración en preparación de muestras biológicasÍtem Acceso Abierto Annexin A2 and S100A10 in the mammalian oviduct(Springer-Verlag, 2015-09) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Roldán, María Lorena; Marini, Patricia EstelaÍtem Acceso Abierto Antimicrobial and physicochemical characterization of whey protein concentrate edible films incorporated with liquid smoke.(Elsevier, 2016-10) Soazo, Marina del Valle; Pérez, Leonardo Martín; Piccirilli, Gisela Noemí; Delorenzi, Néstor Jorge; Verdini, Roxana AndreaÍtem Acceso Abierto Antiphospholipid and antioangiogenic activity in females with recurrent miscarriage and antiphospholipid syndrome(SAGE, 2016-11-02) Pelusa, Héctor Fabián; Pezzarini, Eleonora; Basiglio, Cecilia Lorena; Musuruana, Jorge; Bearzotti, Mariela; Svetaz, María José; Daniele, Stella Maris; Bottai, Hebe; Arriaga, Sandra Mónica MaríaÍtem Acceso Abierto Antitumor activity of new chemical compounds in triple negative mammary adenocarcinoma models(Future Science Group, 2020-01-23) Giolito, Maria Virginia; Camacho, Cristian M.; Martinez-Amezaga, Maitena; Traficante, Carla Inés; Giordano, Rocío A.; Cornier, Patricia G.; Mata, Ernesto G.; Delpiccolo, Carina M.L.; Boggián, Dora G.; Del Giúdice, Antonela; Mainetti, Leandro Ernesto; Scharovsky, Olga Graciela; Rozados, Viviana R.; Rico, María JoséÍtem Acceso Abierto Application of a digital image procedure to evaluate microstructure of caseinate and soy protein acid gels(Elsevier, 2013-01-21) Ingrassia, Romina; Costa, Juan Pablo; Hidalgo, María Eugenia; Mancilla Canales, Manuel Arturo; Castellini, Horacio V.; Riquelme, Bibiana Doris; Risso, Patricia Hilda; Brandelli, AdrianoÍtem Acceso Abierto Aspectos básicos para la realización de una investigación clínica(Federación Argentina de Cardiología, 2013-05) Bottasso, OscarLos orígenes de la investigación clínica se remontan a muchos siglos atrás. La Medicina siempre trató de aliviar el sufrimiento humano y la exploración de sus causas esta esencialmente ligada a la búsqueda de una cura o estrategias de prevención. A tal efecto, la investigación clínica hace uso de muchos métodos cuantitativos que se solapan en gran medida con aquellos utilizados en epidemiología, bioestadística y otros campos referidos a un problema clínico en particular. A partir de la descripción de la enfermedad, los pasos siguientes serán identificar causas, como así también desarrollar herramientas diagnósticas y compuestos terapéuticos. En esencia la investigación clínica puede ser considerar como una ciencia básica de la Medicina.Ítem Acceso Abierto Assembling Amperometric Biosensors for Clinical Diagnostics(2008-02) Belluzo, María Soledad; Ribone, María Élida; Lagier, Claudia MarinaClinical diagnosis and disease prevention routinely require the assessment ofspecies determined by chemical analysis. Biosensor technology offers several benefits overconventional diagnostic analysis. They include simplicity of use, specificity for the targetanalyte, speed to arise to a result, capability for continuous monitoring and multiplexing,together with the potentiality of coupling to low-cost, portable instrumentation. This workfocuses on the basic lines of decisions when designing electron-transfer-based biosensorsfor clinical analysis, with emphasis on the strategies currently used to improve the deviceperformance, the present status of amperometric electrodes for biomedicine, and the trendsand challenges envisaged for the near future.Ítem Acceso Abierto Assessment of Cross-reactive Host-pathogen Antibodies in Patients With Different Stages of Chronic Chagas Disease(Sociedad Española de Cardiología, 2013-10) Vicco, Miguel H.; Ferini, Franco; Rodeles, Luz; Cardona, Paula; Bontempi, Iván; Lioi, Susana; Beloscar, Juan; Nara, Takeshi; Marcipar, Iván; Bottasso, OscarIntroduction and objectives Trypanosoma cruzi infection has been shown to induce humoral autoimmune responses against host antigens tissues. Particularly, antibodies cross-reacting with myocardial antigens may play a role in the development of the severe forms of chronic Chagas disease. The aim of this study was to determine the association between clinical stage of the disease and the presence of autoantibodies in patients with chronic Chagasic disease. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study in T. cruzi-seropositive patients divided into 3 groups according to the classic classification of chronic Chagas heart of Storino et al. All participants underwent complete clinical examination and their sera were used to measure autoantibody levels. Results All patients had detectable levels of anti-p2β and anti-B13 autoantibodies but none had anti-Na-K-ATPase antibodies. No association was observed between electrocardiographic conduction disturbances and autoantibody levels. Patients with chronic Chagas disease stage III had the highest levels of anti-B13 antibodies and a high risk of mortality score, showing a clear association between disease stage and this score. Conclusions Anti-B13 antibodies were significantly higher in chronic Chagas disease stage III patients, suggesting that these antibodies may be involved in disease progression and that they might be a useful marker of poor prognosis in terms of heart compromise. Our results also reveal an important correlation between the level of anti-B13 autoantibodies and symptomatic heart failure and/or dilated cardiomyopathy.Ítem Acceso Abierto Association between baseline VEGF/sVEGFR-2 and VEGF/TSP-1 ratios and response to metronomic chemotherapy using cyclophosphamide and celecoxib in patients with advanced breast cancer(Indian Cancer Society and Indian Society of Oncology, 2013-08-27) Perroud, Herman A; Rico, María José; Alasino, Carlos María; Pezzotto, Stella Maris; Rozados, Viviana R.; Scharovsky, O. GracielaÍtem Acceso Abierto Attenuation of liver cancer development by oral glycerol supplementation in the rat(Springer, 2017-03-02) Capiglioni, Alejo M.; Lorenzetti, Florencia; Quiroga, Ariel Darío; Parody, Juan Pablo; Ronco, María Teresa; Pisani, Gerardo Bruno; Carrillo, María Cristina; Ceballos Mancini, María Paula; Alvarez, María de Luján; Rassetto, Mauricio: asistencia técnicaÍtem Acceso Abierto Características clínico-epidemiológicas de la estrongiloidiasis en pacientes portadores de co-morbilidades(Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2017-02) Regueira Fernandes, Amanda; Romero, Sebastián; Alcântara de Souza Melo, Paula Fernanda; Ramos Araújo, Paulo Sérgio; Bottasso, Oscar; Rocha, Abraham; Brandão, EduardoÍtem Acceso Abierto Chikungunya fever. A new global threat(Elsevier España, 2015-08) Montero, Antonio