(FBIOyF) Laboratorio de Medicina Reproductiva (LMR) - Artículo de Revista

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    Factors associated with mortality among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease treated with convalescent plasma
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2023-11-08) Perichon, Armando M.; Acosta, Andrea; Di Tullio, Liliana; Munuce, María José; Pezzotto, Stella; Bottasso, Oscar; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8472-7965
    The use of convalescent plasma (CP) for hospitalized patients with SARSCoV-2 infection might be a useful option in certain settings. Soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, the National Ministry of Health of Argentina recommended the use of CP transfusion for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. Between 1 June and 3 October 2020, 480 patients, excluding those on invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), received at least one CP infusion in the province of Santa Fe. We aimed to find factors associated with mortality among this cohort of patients. The median age was 60 years (interquartile range: 49–69 years) and 320 (66.7%) were males. Most of these patients (93.75%) received a single CP infusion, 82.1% and 95.6% before day 4 and day 7 of hospitalization, respectively. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 titers were determined in the CP units administered using Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay. At 28 days of follow-up, 250 patients were discharged (52.1%), 131 (27.3%) remained hospitalized without and 16 (3.3%) with oxygen requirement, 27 (5.6%) were on IMV, and 56 (11.7%) had died. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the factors significantly associated with 28-day mortality were (i) requirement of IMV, (ii) the administration of CP after the third day of hospitalization, (iii) age, and (iv) number of comorbidities. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the infused CP were not associated with mortality. Our findings may imply a seemingly favorable effect of CP administration among patients with severe COVID-19 disease when infused sooner after hospitalization.
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    Standards in semen examination: publishing reproducible and reliable data based on high-quality methodology
    (NLM (Medline), 2022-08-10) Björndahl, Lars; Barratt, Christopher L.R.; Mortimer, David; Agarwal, Ashok; Aitken, Robert J.; Alvarez, Juan G.; Aneck Hahn, Natalie; Arver, Stefan; Baldi, Elisabetta; Bassas, Lluıs; Boitrelle, Florence; Bornman, Riana; Carrell, Douglas T.; Castilla, José A.; Cerezo Parra, Gerardo; Check, Jerome H.; Cuasnicu, Patricia S.; Darney, Sally Perreault; De Jager, Christiaan; De Jonge, Christopher J.; Drevet, Jöel R.; Drobnis, Erma Z.; Du Plessis, Stefan S.; Eisenberg, Michael L.; Esteves, Sandro C.; Evgeni, Evangelini A.; Ferlin, Alberto; Garrido, Nicolas; Giwercman, Aleksander; Goovaerts, Ilse G.F.; Haugen, Trine B.; Henkel, Ralf; Henningsohn, Lars; Hofmann, Marie Claude; Hotaling, James M.; Jedrzejczak, Piotr; Jouannet, Pierre; Jørgensen, Niels; Kirkman Brown, Jackson C.; Krausz, Csilla; Kurpisz, Maciej; Kvist, Ulrik; Lamb, Dolores J.; Levine, Hagai; Loveland, Kate L.; McLachlan, Robert I.; Mahran, Ali; Maree, Liana; Martins da Silva, Sarah; Mbizvo, Michael T.; Meinhardt, Andreas; Menkveld, Roelof; Mortimer, Sharon T.; Moskovtsev, Sergey; Muller, Charles H.; Munuce, María José; Muratori, Monica; Niederberger, Craig; O’Flaherty, Cristian; Oliva, Rafael; Ombelet, Willem; Pacey, Allan A.; Palladino, Michael A.; Ramasamy, Ranjith; Ramos, Liliana; Rives, Nathalie; Roldan, Eduardo Rs; Rothmann, Susan; Sakkas, Denny; Salonia, Andrea; Sánchez Pozo, Maria Cristina; Sapiro, Rosanna; Schlatt, Stefan; Schlegel, Peter N.; Schuppe, Hans Christian; Shah, Rupin; Skakkebæk, Niels E.; Teerds, Katja; Toskin, Igor; Tournaye, Herman; Turek, Paul J.; Van der Horst, Gerhard; Vazquez Levin, Monica; Wang, Christina; Wetzels, Alex; Zeginiadou, Theodosia; Zini, Armand
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    Preparation of monospecific anti-PAG antibodies for cattle pregnancy detection: use of synthetic peptides to improve specificity
    (SciRP, 2011-02) Ruiz Álvarez, Jimena Inés; Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Marini, Patricia Estela
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    Annexin A2 and S100A10 in the mammalian oviduct
    (Springer-Verlag, 2015-09) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Roldán, María Lorena; Marini, Patricia Estela
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    Protein kinase C activity in boar sperm
    (Wiley, 2017-02-10) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Marini, Patricia Estela; Bragado, María Julia; García-Marin, Luis
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Use of Assisted Reproduction Techniques in Male Pathologies: Molecule Based Sperm Selection Methods
    (MedCrave, 2017-08-17) Marini, Patricia Estela; Munuce, María José; Caille, Adriana María; Zumoffen, Carlos; Teijeiro, Juan Manuel
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Use of Annexin V based Sperm Selection in Assisted Reproduction
    (OMICS International, 2017-07-07) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Munuce, María José; Caille, Adriana María; Zumoffen, Carlos; Marini, Patricia Estela