(FBIOyF) Laboratorio de Medicina Reproductiva (LMR) - Artículo de Revista

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    The sodium–proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm
    (Elsevier, 2024-10-24) Novero, Analia G.; Torres Rodríguez, Paulina; De la Vega Beltrán, José L.; Schiavi Ehrenhaus, Liza J.; Luque, Guillermina M.; Carruba, Micaela; Stival, Cintia Estefanía; Gentile, Iñaki; Ritagliati, Carla; Santi, Celia M.; Nishigaki, Takuya; Krapf, Diego; Buffone, Mariano Gabriel; Darszon, Alberto; Treviño, Claudia L.; Krapf, Darío; https://orcid.org/0009-0004-7481-2121; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2745-8236; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2833-5553; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7281-0534; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7607-1954
    Sperm capacitation is a complex process that takes place in the female reproductive tract and empowers mammalian sperm with the competence to fertilize an egg. It consists of an intricate cascade of events that can be mimicked in vitro through incubation in a medium containing essential components, such as bicarbonate, albumin, Ca2+, and energy substrates, among others. Genetic and pharmacological studies have underscored the unique significance of the K+ channel SLO3 in membrane potential hyperpolarization, as evidenced by the infertility of mice lacking its expression. Notably, two key molecular events, sperm hyperpolarization and intracellular alkalinization, are central to the capacitation process. SLO3 is activated by alkalinization. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for intracellular alkalization and activation of SLO3 are not completely understood. In this study, we examined the impact of Na+/H+ exchangers (NHEs) on mouse sperm membrane hyperpolarization during capacitation. Pharmacological inhibition of the NHE1 blocked membrane hyperpolarization. A similar effect was observed in sperm deficient of the Ca2+ channel CatSper because of NHE1 not being activated by Ca2+. In addition, the sperm-specific NHE (sNHE) KO did not show membrane hyperpolarization upon capacitation or induction with cAMP analogs. Our results show that sNHE is dually modulated by cAMP and membrane hyperpolarization probably through its cyclic nucleotide–binding domain and the voltage-sensor motif, respectively. Together, sNHE and NHE1 provide the alkalinization need for SLO3 activation during capacitation.
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    Effect of zinc on boar sperm liquid storage
    (Frontiers Media, 2023-02-02) Marini, Patricia Estela; Fernández Beato, Luciana; Cane, Fernando; Teijeiro, Juan Manuel
    Storage and transport of liquid boar sperm for artificial insemination (AI) requires the addition of solutions called extenders, which increase the volume of the ejaculate and help preserve its functional characteristics. Yet, the quality of sperm decreases over time primarily due to the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damage the plasma membrane. Many commercial extenders are supplemented with additives that mitigate this eect. In semen, zinc is supplied at high concentration on the seminal plasma and helps protect the plasma membrane of sperm. However, zinc in the seminal plasma is diluted and chelated upon addition of extenders for storage, potentially reducing its antioxidant eect. Here we characterize viability, motility, mitochondrial activity, DNA integrity and ROS content of boar sperm diluted with Sus (Medi Nova, Italy) extender supplemented with dierent concentrations of ZnCl2, at intervals after dilution during 3 days. The ability of sperm supplemented with 2 mM ZnCl2 to fertilize oocytes in vivo of was also tested. Sperm viability was over 82% for all treatments. Mitochondrial integrity analysis, measured by Cytochrome c activity, indicated a protector eect of Zn, noted as a reduced number of sperm with extensive loss of mitochondrial activity. Acrosomal integrity was improved by treatment with all concentrations of ZnCl2 tested. Sperm kinematics were aected by treatment with ZnCl2, showing higher percentage of progressive and rapid sperm in doses supplemented with 2mM ZnCl2. ROS levels and chromatin integrity did not show dierences between ZnCl2-supplemented doses and the control. Fertilization rate, total number, live, still born and mummified piglets did not change when sperm were diluted with extender containing 2 mM ZnCl2. The presented characterization indicates that Zn addition to Sus extender have a protective eect on mitochondrial sheath and acrosomal membranes; and provides the basis for further studies aimed to optimize sperm performance in AI.
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    Effects of lactoferrin, a protein present in the female reproductive tract, on parameters of human sperm capacitation and gamete interaction
    (Wiley, 2015-10-07) Zumoffen, Carlos María; Massa, Estefanía; Caille, Adriana María; Munuce, María José; Ghersevich, Sergio Albino
    In a recent study, lactoferrin (LF) was detected in human oviductal secretion. The protein was able to bind to oocytes and sperm, and modulated gamete interaction. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of LF on parameters related to human sperm capacitation and sperm–zona pellucida interaction. Semen samples were obtained from healthy normozoospermic donors (n = 7). Human follicular fluids and oocytes were collected from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. Motile sperm obtained by swim-up were incubated for 6 or 22 h under capacitating conditions with LF (0–100 μg/mL). After incubations, viability, motility, presence of α-d-mannose receptors (using a fluorescent probe on mannose coupled to bovine serum albumin), spontaneous and induced acrosome reaction (assessed with Pisum sativum agglutinin conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate), and tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins were evaluated. Sperm–zona pellucida interaction in the presence of LF was investigated using the hemizone assay. The presence of LF did not affect sperm viability or motility, but caused a dose-dependent significant decrease in sperm α-d-mannose-binding sites, and the effect was already significant with the lowest concentration of the protein used after 22 h incubation. Dose-dependent significant increases in both induced acrosome reaction and tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins were observed in the presence of LF. The present data indicate that LF modulates parameters of sperm function. The inhibition of gamete interaction by LF could be partially explained by the decrease in sperm d-mannose-binding sites. The presence of the LF promoted sperm capacitation in vitro.
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    Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) in human sperm: expression, functionality and involvement in motility regulation
    (Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2015-05-13) Saucedo, Lucía; Buffa, Gabriela Natalia; Rosso, Marina; Guillardoy, Tomás; Góngora, Adrián; Munuce, María José; Vázquez Levin, Mónica Hebe; Marín Briggiler, Clara; Dr. Baldi, Alberto provide the FGF2
    Fibroblast growth factors receptors (FGFRs) have been widely characterized in somatic cells, but there is scarce evidence of their expression and function in mammalian gametes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the expression of FGFRs in human male germ cells, to determine sperm FGFR activation by the FGF2 ligand and their participation in the regulation of sperm motility. The expression of FGFR1, 2, 3 and 4 mRNAs and proteins in human testis and localization of these receptors in germ cells of the seminiferous epithelium was demonstrated. In ejaculated sperm, FGFRs were localized to the acrosomal region and flagellum. Sperm exposure to FGF2 caused an increase in flagellar FGFR phosphorylation and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and protein kinase B (PKB or Akt) signaling pathways. Incubation with FGF2 led to a significant increase in the percentage of total and progressive sperm motility, as well as in sperm kinematics. All responses were prevented by sperm preincubation with BGJ398, a specific inhibitor of FGFR tyrosine kinase activity. In addition to confirming the expression of FGFRs in germ cells of the human testis, our study describes for the first time the presence, localization and functionality of human sperm FGFRs, and provides evidence of the beneficial effect of FGF2 upon sperm motility.
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    Membrane potential assessment by fluorimetry as a predictor tool of human sperm fertilizing capacity
    (Frontiers Media, 2020-01-17) Baró Graf, Carolina; Ritagliati, Carla; Torres Monserrat, Valentina; Stival, Cintia Estefanía; Carizza, Carlos; Buffone, Mariano Gabriel; Krapf, Darío
    Mammalian sperm acquire the ability to fertilize eggs by undergoing a process known as capacitation. Capacitation is triggered as the sperm travels through the female reproductive tract. This process involves specific physiological changes such as rearrangement of the cell plasma membrane, post-translational modifications of certain proteins, and changes in the cellular permeability to ions – with the subsequent impact on the plasma membrane potential (Em). Capacitation-associated Em hyperpolarization has been well studied in mouse sperm, and shown to be both necessary and sufficient to promote the acrosome reaction (AR) and fertilize the egg. However, the relevance of the sperm Em upon capacitation on human fertility has not been thoroughly characterized. Here, we performed an extensive study of the Em change during capacitation in human sperm samples using a potentiometric dye in a fluorimetric assay. Normospermic donors showed significant Em hyperpolarization after capacitation. Em values from capacitated samples correlated significantly with the sperm ability to undergo induced AR, highlighting the role of hyperpolarization in acrosomal responsiveness, and with successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) rates. These results show that Em hyperpolarization could be an indicator of human sperm fertilizing capacity, setting the basis for the use of Em values as a robust predictor of the success rate of IVF.
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    Factors associated with mortality among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease treated with convalescent plasma
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2023-11-08) Perichon, Armando M.; Acosta, Andrea; Di Tullio, Liliana; Munuce, María José; Pezzotto, Stella; Bottasso, Oscar; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8472-7965
    The use of convalescent plasma (CP) for hospitalized patients with SARSCoV-2 infection might be a useful option in certain settings. Soon after the outbreak of COVID-19, the National Ministry of Health of Argentina recommended the use of CP transfusion for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. Between 1 June and 3 October 2020, 480 patients, excluding those on invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), received at least one CP infusion in the province of Santa Fe. We aimed to find factors associated with mortality among this cohort of patients. The median age was 60 years (interquartile range: 49–69 years) and 320 (66.7%) were males. Most of these patients (93.75%) received a single CP infusion, 82.1% and 95.6% before day 4 and day 7 of hospitalization, respectively. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 titers were determined in the CP units administered using Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S assay. At 28 days of follow-up, 250 patients were discharged (52.1%), 131 (27.3%) remained hospitalized without and 16 (3.3%) with oxygen requirement, 27 (5.6%) were on IMV, and 56 (11.7%) had died. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the factors significantly associated with 28-day mortality were (i) requirement of IMV, (ii) the administration of CP after the third day of hospitalization, (iii) age, and (iv) number of comorbidities. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the infused CP were not associated with mortality. Our findings may imply a seemingly favorable effect of CP administration among patients with severe COVID-19 disease when infused sooner after hospitalization.
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    Standards in semen examination: publishing reproducible and reliable data based on high-quality methodology
    (NLM (Medline), 2022-08-10) Björndahl, Lars; Barratt, Christopher L.R.; Mortimer, David; Agarwal, Ashok; Aitken, Robert J.; Alvarez, Juan G.; Aneck Hahn, Natalie; Arver, Stefan; Baldi, Elisabetta; Bassas, Lluıs; Boitrelle, Florence; Bornman, Riana; Carrell, Douglas T.; Castilla, José A.; Cerezo Parra, Gerardo; Check, Jerome H.; Cuasnicu, Patricia S.; Darney, Sally Perreault; De Jager, Christiaan; De Jonge, Christopher J.; Drevet, Jöel R.; Drobnis, Erma Z.; Du Plessis, Stefan S.; Eisenberg, Michael L.; Esteves, Sandro C.; Evgeni, Evangelini A.; Ferlin, Alberto; Garrido, Nicolas; Giwercman, Aleksander; Goovaerts, Ilse G.F.; Haugen, Trine B.; Henkel, Ralf; Henningsohn, Lars; Hofmann, Marie Claude; Hotaling, James M.; Jedrzejczak, Piotr; Jouannet, Pierre; Jørgensen, Niels; Kirkman Brown, Jackson C.; Krausz, Csilla; Kurpisz, Maciej; Kvist, Ulrik; Lamb, Dolores J.; Levine, Hagai; Loveland, Kate L.; McLachlan, Robert I.; Mahran, Ali; Maree, Liana; Martins da Silva, Sarah; Mbizvo, Michael T.; Meinhardt, Andreas; Menkveld, Roelof; Mortimer, Sharon T.; Moskovtsev, Sergey; Müller, Charles H.; Munuce, María José; Muratori, Monica; Niederberger, Craig; O'Flaherty, Cristian; Oliva, Rafael; Ombelet, Willem; Pacey, Allan A.; Palladino, Michael A.; Ramasamy, Ranjith; Ramos, Liliana; Rives, Nathalie; Roldan, Eduardo Rs; Rothmann, Susan; Sakkas, Denny; Salonia, Andrea; Sánchez Pozo, Maria Cristina; Sapiro, Rosanna; Schlatt, Stefan; Schlegel, Peter N.; Schuppe, Hans Christian; Shah, Rupin; Skakkebæk, Niels E.; Teerds, Katja; Toskin, Igor; Tournaye, Herman; Turek, Paul J.; Van der Horst, Gerhard; Vazquez Levin, Monica; Wang, Christina; Wetzels, Alex; Zeginiadou, Theodosia; Zini, Armand
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    Preparation of monospecific anti-PAG antibodies for cattle pregnancy detection: use of synthetic peptides to improve specificity
    (SciRP, 2011-02) Ruiz Álvarez, Jimena Inés; Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Marini, Patricia Estela
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    Annexin A2 and S100A10 in the mammalian oviduct
    (Springer-Verlag, 2015-09) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Roldán, María Lorena; Marini, Patricia Estela
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    Protein kinase C activity in boar sperm
    (Wiley, 2017-02-10) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Marini, Patricia Estela; Bragado, María Julia; García-Marin, Luis
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    Use of Assisted Reproduction Techniques in Male Pathologies: Molecule Based Sperm Selection Methods
    (MedCrave, 2017-08-17) Marini, Patricia Estela; Munuce, María José; Caille, Adriana María; Zumoffen, Carlos María; Teijeiro, Juan Manuel
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    Use of Annexin V based Sperm Selection in Assisted Reproduction
    (OMICS International, 2017-07-07) Teijeiro, Juan Manuel; Munuce, María José; Caille, Adriana María; Zumoffen, Carlos María; Marini, Patricia Estela