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El Parlamento del Mercosur: ¿hacia un proceso de integración más democrático?



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Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
The creation of a directly elected parliamentary body constitutes a milestone in the history of the bloc. Representatives to the Parliament will be elected by direct, universal and secret ballot in 2011. We analyze the creation of the Mercosur Parliament from both a political and a legal perspective, with emphasis on its effects on the “democratic deficit”. From a political point of view, the Mercosur Parliament could play an outstanding role in the defence of democracy and human rights, as well as the protection of interests of Member States’ populations. Additionally, direct elections to the Parliament could contribute to enlarge the bloc’s democratic legitimacy. From a legal standpoint, however, the regional Parliament’s fragile legislative, budgetary and oversight powers seem to hinder any possibility to overcoming the “democratic deficit” of the bloc.

Palabras clave

Procesos de integración, Mercosur, Paramento del Mercosur, déficit democrático, Processes of economic integration, Mercosur Parliament, democratic deficit
