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La pérdida de legitimidad de los partidos políticos argentinos



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Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
To analyze the reasons of the decline of the legitimacy of the Argentine political parties in the period of institutional reconstruction opened in 1984, this article centres: 1) in the sense of the actions (shares) of the political leaders and 2) in the transformations of the subjectivities of the citizens. The analysis holds that in the measure that the political national life of 1930-1983 characterized for the almost permanent violation of the democratic rules, the political leaders acquired styles of action that complicated then the construction of a democratic modern system. From 1983, in the society, the combinations between claims antimilitarists and democratic demands produced many expectations that then frustrated. On the other hand, the weakening of the social cohesion and the major cultural freedom increased the levels of political requirements of the citizens and his critiques to the political parties.

Palabras clave

partidos políticos, Estado, democracia Argentina, political parties, State, democracy Argentina
