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Realidades alternativas y mundos posibles: la tecnología y los media como vías de acceso a la imaginación



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UNR Editora
Based on the impact that the media and the development of technologies of production and reproduction are exercising in the last decades of broad sectors of the art, we propose to analyze some of the implications this has on the particular field of literature. The purpose is to track how the preeminence of indexical logic affects the reconfiguration cognitive – perceptive systems, and impacts on models of realistic representation, all of which allows us to consider an alternative form of realism from which complejice deepens and the tension between the “direct” (real) and “deferred” (representation). We propose a line of analysis that stops tracking these aesthetic variants from a “stable” position explore the possibility to update and revitalize areas of the tradition of art in conjunction with media and technological potential that the current era of media coverage presents.

Palabras clave

Medios de comunicación, Tecnología, Literatura, Media, Tecnology, Literature
