Géneros de texto e tipos de discurso na perspectiva do interaccionismo sociodiscursivo : que relações?



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Edições Colibri. Centro de Linguística Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Text genres and types of discourse are two notions integrated in different contemporary perspectives of text and discourse analysis. One of these perspectives is the socio-discursive interactionism (ISD). In this article the notions of text genre and types of discourse (in the framework of the ISD) are presented, aiming at especially discussing what relations can be identified between them. To achieve this objective, I propose an analysis in two complementary ways. On the one hand, I observe the articulation between both notions in works produced by this theoretical framework (which is being developed since the ‘80s); on the other hand, I discuss such articulation based on the confrontation with empirical texts in European Portuguese.

Palabras clave

Text genre, Types of discourse, Socio-discursive interactionism, Géneros de texto, Tipos de discurso, Interaccionismo Sociodiscursivo
