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The Flood Propagation Modelling for the Management of Development on Flood Plains of Rosario region, Rosario



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HR Wallingford Limited 1997
River flood plains are being subjected to intense urbanization processes in big cities of the world. These human actions on the environment have increased the floods besides the urban drainage in a continuously incremented hydro-environmental risk. These problems could have not been solved only with structural works. Therefore, non-structural actions would be established. The mapping of risk zones by means of mathematical modelling is a technical tool to carry out control policies of soil usage and occupation. In this work a two-dimensional mathematical model and the determination of inundation risk map on two flood plains of Rosario region are exposed. The model can simulate both, free surface and close conduits flow over rural and urban zones. The mappings were made for floods of return period of 50, 100 and 500 years. The studied zones embraced a superficial extent of 70 km2, with a population of 50000 inhabitants. Based on the results, state and local governments have planned non-structural rules with the associated legislation for the future urbanization processes. The flood propagation modelling has shown to be a necessary tool for the planning and control of water resources for a sustainable development.

Palabras clave

Flood plains risk, managment of development, Non-structural rules, Saladillo and Ludueña rivers
