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The curriculum as an articulator of the university´s social commitment.



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Centro de Publicaciones Periódicas Electrónicas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario
The curriculum design of University careers of degree constitutes the base document that supports the fundamental principles of institutional work, it also order the singular and collective effort of the actors and of the entire organizational structure, with the intention to achieve a graduates' formation with wide cultural integration, capable and aware of their social responsibility, to guide the actions of the University to the complete training of women and men with social commitment and with high sense of republican ethics. Finally, we want to underline that the curriculum developments must support, beyond their differences, the most relevant aspects of an institutional personality that should imply the commitment with quality, the impulse of the social transformation through knowledge, the respect and the promotion of the human rights, the comprehension of diversity, the inspiration of deep social reforms, the supremacy of the collective values and the defense of the democracy in all the areas of social life. This it is our responsibility: to make and to think for a better life for all, women and men.
Received: Mar.2010 Accepted: Abr.2011

Palabras clave

Social commitment, Higher education, Career, Syllabus


Bares, Héctor. The curriculum as an articulator of the university´s social commitment. e-Universitas UNR Journal [Online], Volumen 2 Número 6 [12 mayo 2011]. Disponible en http://www.e-universitas.edu.ar/journal/index.php/journal/article/view/44. ISSN 1666-6143.