Examinando Pap. trab. - Cent. Estud. Interdiscip. Etnolingüíst. Antropol. Sociocult. no.21 Rosario ene./jun. 2011 por Autor "Fernández, María del Rosario"
(Papeles de trabajo - Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolingüística y Antropología Socio-Cultural, 2011-11-01) Fernández, María del Rosario
The speech analyzed here we were interested in extending a planetary level, the concept of territoriality, which allows strengthen the political position of the bolivian state. The study is framed in the analysis of the speech, focusing, first, in the discrimination of the big scenes (Maingueneau, 2004) and, especially, in the characterization of the political sentences (Lozano Cividano, 2007).