(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura. Centro Universitario Rosario de Investigaciones Hidroambientales., 2023-12-11) Solana, María Ximena; Romanelli, Asunción; Quiroz Londoño, Orlando Mauricio; 0000-0002-4575-6990; 0000-0002-9003-396X; 0000-0002-2817-9570
This study presents a semi-automated approach for mapping the extent and frequency of floods in agriculturally dominated river watersheds, using the Quequén Grande River watershed as a case study. By the combination of normalized difference indices computed from Landsat imagery and the application of Otsu’s thresholding method in Google Earth Engine (GEE) environment, two flood categories were defined: Open Flood Surfaces (OFS) and Flooded Vegetation (FV). The analysis of historical flood frequency allowed the proposal of flood prevention strategies to be implemented in each defined flood frequency class, which is essential for flood mitigation in agriculturally dominated river watersheds.