2017-12-212017-12-2120141647-7251http://hdl.handle.net/2133/10401In the post-Cold War international scenario, the non-traditional nature of security threats conditions the states’ foreign policies. An example of the above is the policy employed by Brazil regarding the border shared with Colombia regarding the development that narcotraffic has been having since the end of the 20th century. Therefore, this article proposes a brief analysis around the influence exercised by the non-traditional nature of the drug traffic threat over the design of Brazilian foreign policy between 1999 and 2010application/pdf1-14engopenAccessForeign policyNon-traditional threatsNarcotrafficBrazilColombian borderBrazil’s fight against narcotraffic in the border with Colombia : an approach to the restrains of non-traditional threats over foreign policyarticleAutor y Janus.netAtribución (by): Se permite cualquier explotación de la obra, incluyendo la explotación con fines comerciales y la creación de ob ras derivadas, la distribución de las cuales también está permitida sin ninguna