Nannini, Alicia2012-11-072012-11-072012-11Nannini, Alicia. Histochemical variation in rhizolysis processes of first dentition teeth. EUJ. [Online], Volumen 1 NĂºmero 9 [November 2012]. Disponible en: ISSN 1852-0707.1852-0707 November.2011 Accepted: September.2012Physiological events involving tooth replacement processes generate histochemical modifications that induce root resorption process. CD44 is a glycoprotein transmembrane involved in cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components; it participates in motility, migration and immobilizes the hyaluronic acid on the cell surface. This study included pulpar and mineralized tissues from teeth in different involutive stages, evaluating CD44 concentration. It was analyzed a total of 28 pulpar samples from health deciduous teeth (n=10), dental caries deciduous (n=12), deciduous supernumerary (n=3) and permanent supernumerary (n=3). It was found that the concentration of CD44 in deciduous teeth progressed towards increasing resorption activity. CD44 concentration was statistically similar in healthy and caries deciduous samples. In permanent supernumerary teeth, the concentration of CD44 was significantly greater than in deciduous teeth, with or without cavities, and still significantly higher than reported in deciduous supernumerary teeth. It was concluded that findings suggest that the hyaluronate receptor molecule is present most significantly in dental pulp where there is no process of resorption.engopenAccessHistochemical variation in rhizolysis processes of first dentition teeth.article