Siragusa, Martha2011-05-312011-05-312011-05Siragusa, Martha. Access and its impact on the disclosure of Scientific Knowledge. e-Universitas UNR Journal [Online], Volumen 2 Número 6 [12 mayo 2011]. Disponible en ISSN 1666-6143.1852-0707 Feb.2010 Accepted: Abr.2011The Open access means a new way of thinking to the dissemination of knowledge and is based on new technologies communication. This trend promotes delete economic, legal and technological barriers, and seeks to change, and benefits, greater access to documents and greater visibility for authors and has been discussed by several international documents. OJS was designed to facilitate the development of open access publishing, supporting the entire editorial approval flow, considering the submissions of articles, indexing and publication. It was published in 2001 and is compatible with OAI-PMH.engopenAccessOpen accessKnowledgeCommunicationAccess and its impact on the disclosure of Scientific Knowledge.artículo