2021-06-162021-06-16http://hdl.handle.net/2133/21001Paciente que consulta al Centro de Atención Primaria “Federica Montseny” de Madrid, por sintomatología típica de enfermedad leve por SARS CoV2 (SARS—CoV—2 –Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2—). El día 6 de evolución desarrolló neumonía unilateral, se indicó tratamiento con hidroxicloroquina 14 días. Su médico de familia realizó seguimiento durante 4 semanas. Agregando el día 27 del cuadro rash eritematoso, pruriginoso, con tendencia a confluir en cara, tronco y raíz de miembros superiores, que duró 7 días y respondió a ebastina. Dada la situación epidemiológica se consideró caso sospechoso de Covid. El objetivo de este artículo es visibilizar la importancia de la detección de estas lesiones por Médicos de Familia en el primer nivel de atención.We present a case of a patient who had mild symptoms of COVID—19 and who was attended at Primary Care in Madrid. She developed unilateral pneumonia due to SARS CoV—2 on the 6th day of evolution. The patient was treated with hydroxychloroquine during 5 days. She was followed up three times a week during 4 weeks by her family doctor. At the end of the 4th week, she started with an erythematous rash. The rash was itchy and it was located at her face, trunk and root of the upper limbs. It lasted 7 days, it was treated successfully with ebastine. Our objective is to make visible the importance of detecting these skin lesions by Family Physicians and on the other hand to remember that covid lesions could appear at the end of the late stages of the infection.application/pdfhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Pandemia COVID-19Sospecha COVID-19Lesiones en pielRash cutáneoPandemic COVID-19Suspected COVID-19Skin lesionsSkin rashLesiones en piel tardías en paciente con sospecha de infección por SARS CoV 2 en Atención PrimariaSkin lesions in a patient with suspected SARS CoV 2 infection in Primary Carearticle